Please enjoy this selected portfolio of my work ranging from written publications and presentations to digital media.
Digital and Social Media Projects
To help promote the work that NCAT Northeast was doing in Cleveland working with military veterans transitioning to sustainable agriculture, I created a short series of clips for social media.
Here’s a teaser video for the work that the Northeast Office of the National Center for Appropriate Technology does with military veterans looking to get into sustainable agriculture.
When the world was hit by COVID, we had to figure out how to continue educating from a distance. This simple 27 minute video was something I pulled together for the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) for their 2020 Common Ground Country Fair.
This Glover's Ledge Video was more of a general welcome to the site and features no voice over or narrative. It was shot entirely with a smart phone and stitched together with free software. It's a great example of what you can do with no budget, but still have a decent result.
As part of a group project, Antioch University students ran the Monadnock Earth Day Festival in 2015 in partnership with the Monadnock Food Co-op in Keene, NH. My job was media and outreach, which included making the event film.
One of the first videos I made for the Glover's Ledge Site is a summary of the Winter Twig Identification Hike from February 2015.
Publications and Presentations
My final publication with the National Center for Appropriate Technology’s ATTRA program is a culmination of all the skills I had learned up to that point: education, communication, marketing, and storytelling.
The New Entry Sustainable Agriculture Project trains beginning farmers on how to create their business plan and then gives them a plot of land to start off. I became a regular at their bi-annual trainings and regularly followed up with students in the class.
For the ATTRA Program of the National Center for Appropriate Technology, I wrote “Community Supported Agriculture”, (CSA) a short publication on how a farmer can start a CSA business model on their farm.
As part of a small consulting project while I was still at Antioch University, a couple other students and I created a history of the methane-to-electricity project of the Windham Solid Waste Management District. Although you can't see it here, it included a series of short videos as well, interviewing some of the key players.
I conducted a full, detailed internal evaluation of the Peer Skills Network's Communication Workshop Series.
Joseph Campbell's Monomyth Theory is that all stories that humans have ever told follow the same pattern. I created a quick two-page handout that walks the user through the monomyth and helps them create compelling stories in all situations: education, marketing, etc.

The Princess Bride in Pulaar
On of my favorite projects of all time was a radio drama I created from my favorite movie: The Princess Bride. As a Peace Corps Volunteer, I retold the story as a folk tale in the language of the southwest corner of Senegal: Pula Futa or Pulaar de Guinea. I added some free music and sound effects and played it in two installments over the course of two weeks. I'll never forget wandering through the little village of Dande above Dindefello and coming across a little old woman who turned to me and asked with anticipation: "But what will happen to Buttercup?!"
For the ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture program of the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), I created a series of five videos on tractor maintenance.